- septic hip or osteomyelitis, discitis, transient synovitis; trauma, congenital, neoplastic, SCFE, LCPD > Your goal should be to rule out potential catastrophic disease Physical Exam - undress!! - watch gait (antalgic gait - less time in stance phase on injured limb; trendelenberg, leaning over the side of the affected hip) - Evaluate for point of maximum tenderness - Hip pain > think spine - Knee pain > think hips - Range of motion - logroll thigh - gives good range of motion of hip Imaging - plain films are a good place to start - image everything if hard story or difficult to pinpoint pain Labs - ESR, CRP, CBC with diff, blood cultures Diagnosis - Transient Synovitis - get hip XRay - bony landmakrs are normal; may see widened joint space - may have joint effusion on US > Management = Rest and NSAIDs; f/up with ortho vs peds in 24-48 hrs; > Kids can limp on and off for a month > Can look like septic hip, usually follows URI; usually had normal labs > Kocher Criteria - 4 criteria: non-weight bearing on affected side; ESR > 40, Fever, WBC >12K - All 4 = 99%; 3 criteria 93%; 2 criteria = 40%; 1 criteria,3% chance of septic arthritis - Toddlers Fracture - Common in young kids; accidental - Stable; do above knee cast with knee flexed - The developing Bone - thicker periosteum, bone is more eleastic; avulsion before tendon rupture - Allows for unique fracture type: Torus and Bowing - SCFE - widened physis; Kleins line - should have bone on other line of femoral neck (get AP and frog leg views) > Stable - kid can walk (at all) - 90% - DC home; nonweight bearing; f/up with ortho; > Unstable - unable to walk (10%) - higher rate of avascular necrosis - non weight bearing; admit to ortho - Septic Arthritis - Common in large joints; severe pain; muscle spasms; fever - Staph and think Neiserria in sexually active teens > Be aware that little kids (< 3 months) have adjacent osteomyelitis (need MRI); 6mo-2 yrs - 50% will have associated infection > Aspirate and OR (antbx after debridement) - ortho urgency
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August 2018