![]() - Heat stroke is a serious illness that requires rapid recognition and care - Active cooling and supportive care are the mainstays of treatment - Keep your differential for the febrile patient with altered mental status broad!
Sneaky Ectopic - Dr. Nichols![]()
GIB and Aortic Graft - Dr. Beverly![]()
Pulmonary embolism + pleural effusion - Dr. West![]()
Traumatic Ptx, Be Kind - Dr. Robertson![]()
![]() Ottawa SAH Rule mneumonic: “ANT LEaF” (warning – this rule not yet validated) · Age >40 · Neck pain or stiffness · Thunderclap headache · Loss of consciousness (witnessed) · Exertion (onset during) · and · Flexion (limited of the neck on exam) Asimos approach is no “routine” LP needed if thunderclap onset H/A with normal head CT performed within 6 hours of H/A onset, with the following caveats: · Recognize this approach is not incorporated into any published guidelines · Assumes all of the following: 1. Classic thunderclap headache 2. No neurological findings 3. No meningismus 4. No prominent neck pain 5. No family history of SAH 6. CT performed within 6h of onset, and read by a neuroradiologist ![]() Eating Disorders: Chronic disorder with acute complications: 1.Clinically prevalent eating D/O 16%; 3rd most common adolescent females, increased ED utilization, Anorexia highest mortality rate of psych D/O 2. Dx: High index of suspicion, screen with SCOFF (Sick, Control, One stone/14 lbs, Fat, Fear)- 2 or more suggests Eating Disorder 3. Complex pathophysiology: dysrhythmias, CMP, re-feeding, osteoporosis, GI, neuro, etc 4. Dispo- involve social work & psych or ensure good follow up. Admit if abnormal vs, syncope, electrolyte derangement, Suicidal Ideation ![]() Case 1: Tattoo Reactions
Case 2: Missed Central Cord Injury in Intoxicated Motor Vehicle Collision
Case 3: Secondary Syphilis
Case 4: Osteomyelitis in Adolescent
Case 5: Guttate Psoriasis
![]() Wounds over knuckles = fight bites
Pain out of proportion
Injection Injury
Sudden calf pain
Maisonneuve fracture
Knee dislocation/relocation
August 2018